Avayan is an avid electronics enthusiast. It may be his full time job, but that is not enough; instead he spends a great deal of his spare time working at home on his electronics lab, designing and assembling motor drives, as well as some robotic contraptions. Always learning from other roboticists, still Avayan has some information to offer to the robot hobbyist. Take advantage of this humble pool of information on how to get into robotics and enjoy from such an exciting field!!!
EBLDC is about Brushless Motors and the cool projects you can build with them. For the most part, BLDC stands for Brushless DC motor, with the three phase BLDC being the most popular version as of this writing. A stepper, on the other hand, is hardly ever known for being a brushless motor. As it turns out, though, it is! But if you open any stepper – bipolar or unipolar; two phase, three phase, four phase, or five phase – only to find brushes inside, be certain to let us know and we will change our stand 😉
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